It has been years since I have posted anything here. A lot has happened since my last piece, but recent events have really caused me to want to get some thoughts down in pixels. I'll probably be doing it over the span of several posts. First, I want to talk politics, specifically the Republican Party.
I have always supported the Grand Old Party, even if it has been marginally. In 2008, in my first presidential election, I halfheartedly voted for John McCain (while wholeheartedly supporting Sarah Palin). In 2010, I unwaveringly supported Susana Martinez as governor (I even got the bumper sticker). In 2012, I grimaced and voted for Mitt Romney (who, in retrospect, looks like a saint). In 2014, I somewhat broken-heartedly voted for Susana Martinez (she was the best one on the ticket). And now, we are here, in 2016.
I understand that politicians let you down. I understand that, as the Rolling Stones song put it last night at the Republican National Convention, "You can't always get what you want" (which I do think was less than subtle on Trump's part). I get it that hoping for a politician that lines perfectly with what you believe is like hoping for world peace or good food from IHOP: it's never going to be.
However, there is a green I want my politicians to land the Calloway on, an area of policy that I do hope they never stray far from: the moral conscience of this nation, especially in regards to God and the unborn. Our politics must not stray far from the premises of our Judeo-Christian heritage or there will be hell to pay. To quote Ronald Reagan, "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." The ultimate result of godlessness and atheism is chaos, oppression, and death (see the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, etc.).
That being said, I am not sure that the Republicans have got it this time. Last night's closure of the Republican National Convention was lacking any focus on God and our moral obligation to stick to the principles laid down to us by our founding fathers (which includes preserving life). All I saw was hoopla about one man who would save America (that man being a fallible human).
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