Thursday, May 17, 2007

Camping isn't for atheists.

I went camping earlier this week in the Sangre de Cristo mountains with a couple of friends. It was an enjoyable experience, even with the conflicting trains of thought of those involved.

One thing that was really impressed upon me during this time is that I personally cannot escape the majesty and greatness of God when I do go on these trips. His fingerprints are all over these places and, especially with little civilization nearby, I have a chance to see myself without all the trappings and hubub of society. Life is simple, and when it is simple, a clearer perspective of my life comes into view.

Without all the conveniences of modern society, I see myself as I really am: a lost, hopeless soul were it not for the grace of God. I see a man who cannot save himself from the sin and shame he has wrought in the light of a holy and just God. I see a man who must turn to Christ and recieve his salvation through his sacrifice on the Cross.

It also burdened my heart to see the time I have wasted in my life, time that could have been used to further the Lord's kingdom.

But, above all, I see the loving grace and mercy that I am so undeserved of, but which God willingly chooses to give and show me.

Christ's nail-scarred hands mean so much more now.


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